Friday, 11 November 2016

Siwaak Workshop Held on 10th November 2016

Workshop on

                             نظفوا طريق القرآن

Conducted by 
Dr. M. Abdulqadir Rampurawala (Haafiz ul Quran & Dentist) 

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Hasani Madrasah - Newsletter 2015 - 2016

His Holiness Dr. Syedna  Mohammad Burhanuddin (RA) has blessed millions of people in his entire lifetime. But those residing in the Bhendi Bazar area fall under his special blessings and vision. He expressed his desire to uplift the entire 16 acre plot of Bhendi Bazar adjoining Saifee masjid and Raudat Tahera during the auspicious days of his centennial Milaad Mubarak.  This dream project is now led by the 53rd Dai Al-Mutlaq, His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS). The project will uplift the environs of Bhendi Bazaar in Mumbai to suit the lifestyle and aspirations of a 21st century citizen.

All residents falling in this Saifee Burhani Upliftment Project were given transit accommodation in newly built towers at Anjirwadi(SBPT 1) and Ghodapdev(SBPT 2),which are equipped with ready-to-live-in facilities like carpet,bed,cupboard,pillows, curtains, washing machines etc. to name a few.People residing here also have the luxury of  24-hr water supply, zero society maintenance,free parking space and playground for children,lift-man operated elevators and free home management services.

     These amenities are only for the physical upliftment of Mumineen and members of other communities. But since this is Aqa Maula’s(tus) project, he is more concerned about the Ruhani and Ilmi upliftment  of mumeneen and their  children. Being an independant mohallah with our own Janab Aamil saheb, SBPT2 enjoys many privileges like Miqaat/Waaz relays, Imamat Namaz and other such occasions right under its own shadow. 

    To add to this Nemat,  Aqa Maula(tus) bestowed Raza Mubarak to start our own Madrasah (BDC) and Tehfeez centre).This huge task was accomplished with the total support and hard work of our Aamil Saheb, Sk Khuzaima bhai Jamali, who went to great lengths to fulfil this khidmat. To build a fully equipped Madarsah was a project on its own and Shehzada AaliWaqar Al QaidJohar BS Ezzuddin Saheb (DM)  handed  a very generous helping hand, to this project and  this dream slowly materialised.

On the auspicious day of Shahadat of Maulatona Fatema (AS) in 1436 hijri, a Tehfeez (Hifz ul Quran) centre was formed. It was named “HASANI MADRASAH”  after being inaugurated by the Mubarak hands of Shehzada Aali Waqar Idris BS Badruddin Saheb (DM), the Head of Attalim Dept., on 2nd Ramzan al Moazzam 1436 H.

Located conveniently on the 2nd floor of 3B building, Hasani Madrasah is fully equipped with modern levels of comfort and technology. Our Interior designer Mr. Habil Parekh of United Interiors has done a wonderful job in its structure and decor. Being allotted 8 rooms on the recommendation of Shehzada Aali Waqar Al QaidJohar BS Ezzuddin Saheb (DM), the Madrasah is spacious, well furnished and Air Conditioned. All these factors create an ideal environment for Uloom Diniyah and Hifz-ul-Quran. Each room is well-lit, comfortable and covered entirely with wall–to-wall carpet. Additional features like individual desks, serene atmosphere, a homely feel only add to its beauty.
 Along with Shehzada Aali Waqar Al-QaidJohar BS Ezzuddin Saheb (DM),  Attalim Dept. and Anjumane Shiate Ali also aided this cause, which made it possible for the Madrasah to come in full swing and gradually become independent. The Madrasah  uses  up-to-date technology like laptops, audio-visuals etc. Mumeneen who visited our Madrasah on the allotted day have witnessed its glory.

Our sole aim and purpose is to prepare our young generation to do khidmat of our Aqa Maula (tus) and attain his Khushi Mubarak. Worldly education is essential for the child’s future and career but it only benefits him in this world. On the other hand,  Deeni Taalim not only benefits in this life but also the hereafter. Keeping this in mind,  our Madrasah undertakes 2 main activities:

1. BDC – Burhani Deeni Centre
2. Tehfeez – Hifz ul Quran il Kareem.

Earlier children from schools had to go out of the way to BDC for Deeni Taleem. Now it is conveniently available in the neighbourhood. Children can avail of this nemat according to their convenient time, as there are morning batches for children who have school in the evening  and vice versa. This is possible as our Madrasah works from 9 am to 9 pm. The same is true for Tehfeez class which is conducted in 2 batches. The morning batch of 10:30 am to 12 pm accommodates mumeneen who are keen on doing Hifz as per Farman. The evening batch accommodates children,which runs from 7-30 pm to 9 pm.

   From our little ones in Atfaal (nursery) to our adults in Tehfeez (Hifz ul Quran)  all are managed by expert qualified staff. Our teachers are professionals at what they do, which is very important for the child’s mental, physical and spiritual development. Surrounded by a Deeni environment, fun and easy ways of learning and mingling with friends boosts a positive energy in the child. And this aids his confidence and natural growth.

In the light of attaining deeni talim,our students also attain numerous other privileges and perform various khidmats. Here we share a few..

1) Hasani  Madrasah organised a  One day picnic to Matheran on 24th Safar ul Muzaffar 1437 i.e. 5th December 2015. Matheran is a beautiful destination which also has historic significance for the community making it an ideal place for a one-day picnic. The group consisted of 98 members totally including staff and committe members.. All those who came were thoroughly blessed with Dakhili to the  Gurfah Mubaraka where Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) breathed his last. The Madrasah group was given Raza Mubarak to perform Sajda in the room where Muqaddas Maula(RA) left us for his Heavenly abode. This experience was unparalleled. Mumineen of all age groups and children enjoyed a lot and all took a shot at horse riding. Shopping, food and fun was the agenda for some, while swinging, playing and enjoying was for some others!

2)  The students of BDC and Tehfeez participated in the Haflat ul Quran and Recitation programme  which took place on 24 January 2016, under the Sadarat of Al Hadd ul Anjab ul Asad Aliasgar Bs Ezuddin(DM) and the Presence of Al Hadd ul Anjab ul Asad Shamoil Bs Shehabuddin(DM). This programme portrayed the skills of our little ones in amazing ways. The grand success of this Haflat increased confidence levels in the children and their urge to achieve even more.

# 3  An Azeem khidmat performed by our Madrasah students was sponsoring and delivering the FMB Niyaz Thali on Republic day, i.e. 26 Jan 2016. This task emphasized the importance of Thali and made the children realize that  they attained the Sawaab  this azeem khidmat.

# 4 All students taking barakat from BDC are entitled to the sports activities carried out at Saifee High School during the Academic year 2015-16. Sports such as cricket , TT, carom etc are played and enjoyed by these children which gives tremendous boost to their physical and social development.

# 5 BDC in Hasani Madrasa includes not only memorizing and recitation but also assessments and assignments  as per the syllabus. This helps the child to be independent in his work. Just like any other Educational  Institute, the children here are evaluated , assessed and promoted on the basis of their performance.

# 6 The students of Darajah Saniyah (STD 2) of the BDC were bestowed with the sharaf of starting Quran-e-Majeed by Aqa Maula(tus) himself. The children gathered  at Raudat Tahera on the allotted day and time and recited  each Ayat of Suratul Hamd by repeating after him. It is like a mini ceremony which marks the beginning of Quran recitation for the child. It is indeed a golden opportunity!

#7 Being a close knit community, we have numerous occasions of Majlis and Miqaats. Starting from praying the Azaan, and the recitation of  Tilawat of Quran-e-Majeed, Madeh and Marsiyah  during the majlis. This paves way for our future zakereen and develops the skills of Zikre Husain in young minds. It also builds confidence in the child to speak in public and slowly diminishes ‘stage-fright’. 
Also our young Khidmat guzars performed khidmat of distributing Iftaar Tamar and biscuits during Shehrullah, and serving Water in Jaman.

#8 It is a great honour for any Mumin to participate in the grand procession that takes place on the occasion of Milad, Rasme Saifee and the like. Some of our students too got Sharaf of being part of this royal proccession. Besides that, a few were selected for the Na’at programme that took place in Saifee Masjid during Ayyamut Tabbodaat Il Mubarakah 1437h. This shows  that our students not only excel in various programmes of our Mohallah but are also selected on an inter-mohallah level as well.

# 9 Aqa Maula(tus) expressed his desire that each Mumin’s house should have at least 1 Hafiz. (Kalemaat Nuraniyah: Har ghar ma ek Haafiz hoi.) Hifzul Quran regulates a Mumin’s life, teaches him time management and is the best way to attain Khushi Mubarak of our Maula(tus). Needless to say what it will benefit in our Aakherat. Heeding to this Farman many mumeneen and their children were inspired towards Hifz of Al Quran. But they faced  a problem regarding the same. Soon   Hasani Madrasah was established, which also included Tehfeez classes.

Tehfeez classes undertakes  learning of Quran-e-Majeed, recitation  with Ahkaam-Makharij, Tajweed and Tarteel. Special Ahkaam  Classes are conducted in batches for those who want to learn Quran with proper rules and pronunciations. Alongside these classes, our Huffaaz give their time for listening to Jadeed and Muraja’a of those who are already doing Hifz. In academic year 2015-16 20 adults and children taking barakat from this Madrasah  have obtained Juz Amma Sanad and 3 children have obtained Sana Ula Sanad(5 siparas)

 There are also special classes for those who do not know Tilawat ul  Quran at all, and also to read Lisan ud Dawat where all age groups are welcome.

  All of this is possible due to the  Nazrat Karimah and Dua Mubarak of  of our Aqa Maula(tus). We do pray that More and more mumineen take benefit from this Madrasah and attain Aqa Maula's  (TUS) Khushi Mubarak. May Allah grant our Maula Syedna Aali Qadar Mufaddal Saifuddin  Maula (tus) a long and healthy life! Ameen!!

New Admission for the Academic Year 2016-17 has started. Kindly collect the Admission form at the earliest from Hasani Madrasah Admin Office - 209, 3B, SBPT-2, Gorabdeo.
Office Timings: 
Mon to Fri - Morning : 9am to 1pm
                  - Evening : 5pm to 8pm

For any queries regd. Madrasah Kindly call us on 022- 69990053 or 
email us on